Saturday, January 15, 2011

My days in Golden BC

A few hours of sleep after arriving Golden I started to try to get in touch with Charlotte, my good friend whom I'm visiting in Golden. This turned out to be a difficult task since her telephone didn't work as it was suppose to, and I had no idea where in the town she was staying. My thoughts were: "How stupid is it, to travel to Canada so that I can spend new years eve all by myself??" This thought stayed with me for a few hours until a local woman at the supermarket nearby told me that it was only the 30th of December, and Charlotte was expecting me the next day. Good thinking on my behalf, I must say! :o) Charlottes phone started working again after a little while and we met up the next day :o)

On new years I met up with Charlotte, and then with Trond (Charlottes brother) and Cody (Tronds girlfriend). We ate, drank some beer, did a lot of Jeger-bombs and went to a party somewhere in town. When a taxi came to pick me up somtime in the morning, I was really thankfull, cause as soon as the taxi started going I realised that I had no idea where I was. All of the streets in this area of Golden looks the same to a new eye ;o)

We've been up snowboarding at the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort and had some really great days up there!!!! It is the most awsome place I've ever been snowboarding!!! Trond works up at the resort, fixing and waxing skiis, snowboards and stuff like that, while Cody works in the kitchen at the Eagle's Eye (not nest as I keep saying) which is a restaurant at the top of the mountain.

The Eagle's Eye
My days in Golden are occupied with snowboarding, hanging out with Charlotte, Trond and Cody and meeting new people =)

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